Rules of City Court
Alexandria City Court
Wards 1, 2 & 8
Rapides Parish, Louisiana
The City Court of Alexandria, Civil and Criminal Divisions, shall convene on the first Tuesday of September and remain in continuous session through the first Monday of September of the following year.
The Court is open Tuesday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. and Thursday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Evictions are heard Wednesday at 8:00 A.M. General Criminal Matters are heard Tuesday. Traffic violations are heard Thursday. Civil Sessions are held each Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 A.M. Special settings are heard on Monday at 9:00 A.M.
In all actions for money judgments, including Executory Process, based upon loans or open accounts wherein interest, finance charges or other consideration is included in the amount claimed, there shall be attached to the petition or filed in evidence a sworn itemized statement showing the amount of the principal, interest or finance charges or consideration, and other charges as well as the amount of unearned interest, finance charges or other consideration. If a statement pursuant to the Truth-In-Lending Act was prepared, a copy of it shall also be attached.
To set a motion, rule or exception or contradictory matter for hearing, the attorney will make a written request to the Clerk of Court. The Clerk will place the matter on the docket and inform the parties or their attorneys of the date for hearing by mail.
All pleadings shall be typed or printed or reproduced copies on legal size paper (8.5 x 14) and be in the English language. Use of dot matrix or any printout of a similar nature unless of letter quality is expressly prohibited and the Clerk shall not accept any such pleading for filing.
Discovery: Unless otherwise permitted by the Court for cause shown, no party may serve upon any other party more than one set of twenty-five (25) interrogatories pursuant to Code of Civil procedure Article 145, including all part and subparts. Interrogatories shall not be so arranged that following each question, there shall be provided sufficient blank space for inserting a typed response. If the space allotted is not sufficient, the responding part shall complete the answer on an “Addendum” properly identified and attached. When the interrogatories have been completed by the responding party, the original shall be returned to the proponent, and copies served upon all other parties.
Interrogatories under Article 1421 of the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure, and the answers thereto, Requests for Production or Inspection under C.C.P. 1421, and responses thereto, shall be served upon other counsel or parties, but shall not be filed with the Court, unless a Judge of the Court orders that such be filed. The party responsible for service or the discovery material shall retain the original and become the custodian of any such non-filed materials.
If relief is south under the Article 1469 of the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure, concerning any interrogatories, requests for production or inspection, requests for admissions under C.C.P. 1467, answers to interrogatories, copies of the portions of interrogatories, copies of the portions of interrogatories, requests, answers or responses in dispute, shall be filed with the Court Contemporaneously with any motion filed under said articles.
If interrogatories, requests, answers or responses are to be used at trial or are necessary or a pre-trial motion which might result in a final order of any issue, the portions to be used shall be filed with the Clerk at the outset of the trial or at the filing of the motion insofar as their use can be reasonably anticipated. When documentation of discovery not previously in the record is needed for appeal purposes, upon an application and order of the Court, or by stipulation of counsel, the necessary discovery papers shall be filed with the Clerk.
This rule shall not be construed so as to preclude the filing of any of the aforesaid discovery materials as exhibits or as evidence in connection with a motion or at a trial.
All motions to withdraw as Counsel of Record in a case must include the following in a statement setting forth:
- The reason for withdrawal.
- Whether any aspect of the matter is set for trial, pre-trial or other hearing, and, if so, the date thereof.
- A certificate that the client and opposing counsel have been notified of the proposed withdrawal.
When submitted, a case or other matter shall be considered as fully submitted for decision to the trial Judge, and should be decided immediately upon the conclusion of trial or hearing and judgment signed expeditiously thereafter.
In an exceptional case when the record has been left open upon the conclusion of trial or hearing for the filing of testimony by deposition and/or documents, such depositions and/or documents shall be filed within fifteen days and the case or matter shall be considered as fully submitted, and should be decided immediately after such filing or the lapse of fifteen days, whichever occurs sooner.
If the Court, in an exceptional case, orders post-trial or post-hearing briefs, or the transcript prepared, plaintiff shall be allowed a maximum of twenty days within which to file a brief; defendant shall be allowed a maximum of twenty days from the filing or lapse of time for filing plaintiff’s brief or, at the latest, the day following the last day for filing of briefs. The Judge may extend the time for filing a brief for a reasonable period not to exceed the original time granted.
If a transcript of the evidence, in an exceptional case, is deemed essential and is ordered by the Court, it shall be filed within thirty days following the conclusion of trial or hearing. When necessary, for good cause shown, one extension may be granted by the Judge not to exceed an additional fifteen days for filing a transcript.
- There will be no smoking, drinking or eating in the Courtroom at any time.
- Everyone must be appropriately and modestly dressed.
- No clothing with vulgar or obscene writing/pictures can be worn.
- Pants must fit on the waist and not hang on or below the hips, and all shirttails shall be tucked in. No halter, tank tops, shorts, hats or caps shall be worn.
- The area inside the rails of the Courtroom is reserved for attorneys. No other persons shall be allowed therein unless specifically authorized by the Court.
- The Counsel tables are for attorneys and litigants involved in the matter being presented to the Court.
- During the time Court is in session, no attorney or other person shall ask questions of or converse with the Minute Clerk or the Court Reporter, unless permission to do so is requested and received from the Court.
- At no time shall any person approach the bench or walk between Counsel table and the bench without first obtaining permission from the Court.
- While in the Courtroom no person shall display any political advertisement of any nature promoting the election of any candidate.
- Unless otherwise instructed by the Court, the attorneys will use the podium to address the Court and to examine witnesses.
Violation of Rule 7 subjects the offender to Contempt of Court proceedings which can result in fines in/or incarceration.
In addition to official ethical principles and the amenities dictated by professional and personal courtesy, all attorneys appearing in the Courtrooms of the city are reminded of their status and position as officers of the Court. As such, they are equally responsible with the Judge for maintaining reasonable dignity and decorum in the Courtroom. Specifically and in addition to the general responsibilities, they will be expected to observe such principles with regard to clothing and general appearance (coat and tie required for men) by avoiding disconcerting extremes of style of informality, with regard to their conduct in relation to witnesses, counsel, Court personnel and the public by avoiding overt familiarity and overt hostility.
The Judge of the Court shall be granted a vacation of thirty days during each year, with pay, the vacation dates to be determined by the Judge. The Judge shall appoint a Judge Ad Hoc to serve in his place in accord with the rules of the Louisiana Supreme Court. The appointed Judge shall receive compensation proportionate to the salary of the City Judge for the time served, payable by the City Court.
Preliminary defaults are not required in City Court. Default cases can be “proved up” on any Court day. Where “affidavit proof” is sufficient, the judgments are granted upon request after delays have run.
City Court has a Small Claims Division in which cases are heard on the last Monday of each month at 2:00 P.M. or as set by the Court. Rules for the division are available on request to the Clerk.